Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tuk Tuk!

Thankyou beautiful people who have donated to raise money for the Tuk Tuk! Because of your generosity and spirited hearts, we had enough money and went and purchased the Tuk Tuk in Phnom Penh on Tuesday and it is now in Takeo!

There are several Birth Centres / Womens Health Centres around Takeo that LifeOptions is involved with. It was decided that this Tuk Tuk would go to a Womens Health Centre that has recently lost a woman during birth. This women came into the centre during labour, bleeding. It was the middle of the night, and the hospital she was transferred to debated whether she could pay for care or not. So the decision was for her to wait until morning and catch a bus, to urgent medical care in Phnom Penh which she didn't have to pay upfront for. Unfortunately, she died on the bus on the way to help.

The Tuk Tuk is going to stay at that particular Womens Health Clinic so that if a scenario like that ever happens again, it will hopefully have a different, much happier ending. Also, there will be no charge to the woman if she needs to be transferred, it is funded by LifeOptions and the donations given by people like you.

So, there you go. All those donations I was given where you said 'Its not much, but I hope it helps', definitely has! Please know that it was all your donations of $10 and $20 that ultimately got us to the $2000 and look at what we have achieved together. A little red motorbike Tuk Tuk that is going to save lives of women, and therefore children, families, villages and communities.

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